Put PPI check at top of bank holiday to-do list, urges FCA

FCA CEO Andrew BaileyFCA CEO Andrew Bailey
FCA CEO Andrew Bailey
Consumers are being urged to put checking whether they can claim for PPI at the top of their to-do lists over the coming bank holiday weekend.

A survey by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found that the average UK adult has a list of 33 tasks to complete each week.

About 60% feel overwhelmed by the volume of tasks they need to complete, from sorting out finances to walking the dog and mowing the lawn.

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The most common tasks were found to be sorting out finances, preparing meals, booking appointments, taking out the rubbish and changing bed linen, the survey of more than 2,000 people found.

Two-thirds (67%) feel like they are operating on autopilot, meaning to-do lists get forgotten.

Three-quarters plan to use the long bank holiday weekend to tick things off their job lists.

“Almost half the population say a deadline is the motivation they need to get things done, so we’re urging everyone to make sure they get one important thing ticked off their list this bank holiday, and that’s checking whether they’re eligible to claim for PPI, said FCA CEO Andrew Bailey.